Sometimes.. it's time to qa on prod
Spling highlights your website's spelling & grammar issues
Our shareable report cards pinpoint errors across your entire site, so you improve your presence with scrupulous English audiences on key pages.
Typos found!
Spling proofreading alerts you to typos and maybe typos.
- Find misspelled words
- Get simple and complex grammar help
Pages have issues
Spling can spell check hundreds of live pages concurrently.
- Check 100s of website pages
- Automatically document issues with a shareable report card
Pages look good
Get peace of mind on pages that are fine. Spling can help you QA your entire site in a few seconds.
Improve your standing with English-speaking audiences
Spling doesn't just highlight your website's content issues—it also offers solutions. See the power of Spling's website proofreading in the example results below:
Typos Found
Get advanced grammar tips
Spling also has remarkable grammar skills. Improve your website content QA with automatic scans, that will pay attention the first, second and 100th time.
Spling can also preview website meta tags
Meta tags are crucial for improving the SEO (search engine optimization) and presentation of your website on social media.
Find obvious typos
Spling's finds content on your website that is misspelled.